We have a long tradition of success!


Come with us on a journey through time across the eras of our company. You will understand why passion drives us.

1836 - TODAY


The career of our company began over 180 years ago on the Rhine. Since then, a lot of water has run down the river. In all these many decades, Cretschmar has taken enough time to prepare itself very precisely for all the logistics and transport challenges that lie ahead worldwide. Would you like to wander through our lively history? Here you go.


1836 - Today

  1. Einfach gut gemacht. Und das seit 1836


    Simply well made. And that since 1836

    The career of our company began over 180 years ago on the Rhine. Since then, a lot of water has run down the river. In all these many decades, Cretschmar has taken enough time to prepare itself very precisely for all the logistics and transport challenges that lie ahead worldwide. Would you like to wander through our lively history? Here you go.

  2. Anmeldung beim Düsseldorfer Telefonverkehr mit der Telefonnummer 1


    Registration for Düsseldorf telephone traffic with the telephone number 1

  3. Gründung weitere Niederlassungen im Neusser und Düsseldorfer Hafen


    The takeover of various shipping agencies with connections to the seaports on the North Sea and Baltic Sea, the founding of the Neuss branch and the beginnings as a trade fair forwarder characterised this period.

  4. 1902 Messegelaende Duesseldorf


    Foundation of Cretschmar MesseCargo with organisation for the Düsseldorf industrial and trade exhibition

  5. 1931   Arthur Espey


    Takeover of the company by the Espey family as owners

  6. Speditions- und Schifffahrtsfirma entwickelte sich zum Universalunternehmen


    The former forwarding and shipping company developed into a universal company for the shipping industry and organised transports by ship, rail, motor vehicle or aeroplane.

  7. Kriegsende übernahm Cretschmar die Lagerung von Lebensmitteln


    After the end of the war, Cretschmar took over the storage of food for the state government and charities as well as for the central distribution of care packages.

  8. 1951 Luftfrachtverladung Flughafen Düsseldorf


    Qualification as 1st IATA agent and establishment of a branch at Düsseldorf Airport for the secure and compliant handling of air freight shipments

  9. 1951 Zollabteilung für alle Transportwege


    Establishment of a separate customs department for all transport routes

  10. Silo- und Lageranlagen Neuss


    Purchase of silo and storage facilities for the Neuss branch

  11. 1985 Anlage Stuttgart


    Start-up of the Stuttgart branch

  12. 1991 Anlage Leipzig


    Foundation of the Leipzig branch

  13. 1995 Night Star Express


    Night Star Express founded as a unique express service

  14. 1997 Lager Zentrum Ost Düsseldorf Oerschbachst


    Cretschmar Logistik Dienstleistungs GmbH takes over the management of the HENKEL high-bay warehouse in Düsseldorf

  15. 2000 Logo Cretschmar-NAVIS


    Foundation of Cretschmar-Navis Seehafen Spedition to promote the sea freight business

  16. Status des Reglementierter Beauftragter


    Status of the regulated agent

  17. CRETSCHMAR Logistiklösungen. Einfach gut gemacht.


    Realignment of CRETSCHMAR

  18. individuellen logistische Abläufe: IT, Transport und lagertechnisch inkl. der unterschiedlichsten Value Added Services.


    Today, we are part of our customers' overall processes, integrated into their individual logistics procedures: IT, transport and warehousing, including a wide range of value-added services.

  19. RBS41


    Move to the new company headquarters RBS41

  20. SDS2Excel Our safety data sheet scanning tool


    Our digital orientation has given us the opportunity to launch an independent product ‘SDS2Excel’ on the market.

    The ‘SDS2Excel’ safety data sheet scanning tool reads your safety data sheets in a matter of seconds and outputs the data in Excel format with AI support. No tedious data entry, no source of errors and the option of transferring the data to your in-house system.

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